Just wanted to keep you up to date on recent developments..

The KNX UK AGM was held online on 16th March.  This is an opportunity for all members to have their say and give their opinions on how they would like to see KNX promoted in the UK Market.  In recent years we have changed some of our operational systems,  reduced our membership fees and changed marketing tactics.  All this has been implemented as a result of member input.

Your opinions are valued and where changes are of benefit to the membership we push these through, which is why you have been seeing a lot of changes in recent times.

This AGM was different in so far as being solely for Association Business, the KNX UK Awards and the Annual Conference will take place separately in June.  This enabled the AGM to be a lively two-way discussion, in which several members voiced a desire to showcase a wider variety of applications to change the perception of KNX being predominantly for high-end residential only. Email here, if you have anything to add to this.

KNX UK Chair, Iain Gordon brought everyone’s attention to the fact that not being on the Board doesn’t mean members don’t have a voice and urged members to email any thoughts, suggestions and feedback to admin. We will listen and we will react to these. You can also submit suggestions etc., via the online suggestions box on the Get Involved Page on the KNX UK website.

You can download the slides used in the AGM Presentation here if you wish to still see the full replay, please email admin here

This is the opportunity for YOU to have your say, we are listening and acting in your interests, but we need to hear from you in order to be the most effective we can be.

We continue to struggle to get through to members via group email and have therefore set up a members group on LinkedIn through which we will repeat all of our notices. If you are on LinkedIn, you should have had an invitation to join the group, if you haven’t received this, let us know via email and we’ll get it sorted for you.

We currently have 3 candidates for the Board Seat Vacancy advertised previously, nominations will remain open until 11th April then an online vote will be publicised and run until 25th April, at which point the applicant with the most votes will be awarded the seat. Candidates will be featured on the KNX UK Website from 11th April and we would ask all members to take a moment to vote online – one vote per company. Please keep an eye on your inbox for notification of this.

Futurebuild was a huge success for us and we believe did a great deal to raise the profile of KNX, our stand was part of a contra deal we had with the organisers a package that also included the opportunity for 3 x seminars – one on each day of the show, a webinar and a feature int he show newsletter.  These activities increased our prospect list by 350, predominantly specifiers, educators and students. We are very grateful to those who supported us on the stand at the show and also to those Manufacturer members who took stands themselves and further increased the interest in KNX as an open protocol.

We are delighted this month to welcome Zennio as members and to report that we now have a very strong manufacturing membership, with some more big players in the process of joining us.  Our continued growth is attracting interest from industry press and educational establishments alike and we hope to have more news on that next time.

In the meantime, get involved, let us have your comments and suggestions – you can do it online here.

We look forward to hearing from you.
