The Product

For smart energy use, visibility of consumed energy is a must, for this purpose MDT has developed a KNX Energy Meter with CT measurement, giving visibility and transparency in the KNX installation. To save energy, it must first be measured.

As a main or an intermediate meter, the KNX Energy Meter separately records the consumed and the generated energy supplied to the grid.  For example yielded energy generated by a photovoltaic system. The determined data are the basis for optimising the consumption and increasing the level of energy efficiency. A price can be stored for each value, allowing costs and yields to be transparent. A visualisation of the consumption, yield and cost on a KNX Display such as, the MDT BE-GTSP6TS.01S is recommended for transparency. The three single compulsory CT’s for fold-over installation are supplied with the Energy Meter.

How does this Product demonstrate the diversity/flexibility of KNX?

For smart energy use, visibility of the consumed energy is a must. The KNX Energy Meter with Current Transformers, measures and records the consumed and generated energy and allows immediate visibility within the KNX installation.

How does this Product add value and ease of use for building owners/occupiers?

Not only the ideal solution when combining a KNX and a photovoltaic installation, but also allowing the home owner or tenant to maintain an overview of costs, consumed and generated energy

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How has this product resolved an identified need for the building user?

The energy meter with transformer measurement from MDT has resolved the identified issue of a building user, to gain visibility and the potential to optimise their energy consumption with an additional quick installation through their trusted Electrician or KNX system integrator.